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Procedural programming language without pointers

NianioLang type system

We have implemented some drawing engine in the previous chapter. Now we can define types used in this module to allow for more control during code development:

use ptd;

def test::point_t() {
	return ptd::rec({x => ptd::sim(), y => ptd::sim()});

def test::shape_t() {
	return ptd::var({
			circle => ptd::rec({p => @test::point_t, r => ptd::sim()}),
			rect => ptd::rec({p1 => @test::point_t, p2 => @test::point_t})

def test::drawing_t() {
	return ptd::arr(ptd::rec({shape => @test::shape_t, color => ptd::sim()}));

As you can see NianioLang syntax is powerful enough to define types without special syntax. The only new syntax element is @ operator which creates an im with module name and function name. So @m::f is equivalent to :ref({module => 'm', name = 'f'}) . The @ operator has two advantages over manual :ref construction:

  1. It is shorter
  2. It reports an error when function is missing

So once we understand @ operator we can explain the type system. Types are defined using functions from ptd module. Each type is an im.

todo: add ptd module to online editor so we can show types and not only use them.

There are several functions in ptd module:

ptd::sim() - returns a simple type
ptd::none() - used with ptd::var to declare a variant element without value

If we would like to define a name for a type then we declare a function which returns the type. Then the function name becomes the type name and we can use it with @ operator.

We have already defined types in our example. Now we can use them. Modify the following lines:

def test::drawing() : @test::drawing_t {

def inside_shape(p, shape : @test::shape_t) {

def test::render(w, h, d : @test::drawing_t) {

And that’s all. The compiler will be able to deduct all required types to meet these constraints.

Types are optional in NianioLang

NianioLang has fully optional types. It means that we can remove all type information and semantics of the program remains unchanged. Still if a variable is declared with a type then it is guaranteed to meet this type requirements. So typed variable can easily be passed as untyped arguments, but not the other way.

Final example with types:

use console;
use array;
use ptd;

def test::point_t() {
	return ptd::rec({x => ptd::sim(), y => ptd::sim()});

def test::shape_t() {
	return ptd::var({
			circle => ptd::rec({p => @test::point_t, r => ptd::sim()}),
			rect => ptd::rec({p1 => @test::point_t, p2 => @test::point_t})

def test::drawing_t() {
	return ptd::arr(ptd::rec({shape => @test::shape_t, color => ptd::sim()}));

def test::drawing() : @test::drawing_t {
	return [
		{shape => :circle({p => {x => 4, y => 4}, r => 4}), color => '@'},
		{shape => :rect({p1 => {x => 3, y => 2}, p2 => {x => 7, y => 6}}), color => '^'},
		{shape => :rect({p1 => {x => 5, y => 4}, p2 => {x => 8, y => 6}}), color => '+'}

def inside_shape(p, shape : @test::shape_t) {
	match (shape) case :rect(var r) {
		return p->x >= r->p1->x && p->y >= r->p1->y && p->x < r->p2->x && p->y < r->p2->y;
	} case :circle(var c) {
		c->p->x -= p->x;
		c->p->y -= p->y;
		return c->p->x * c->p->x + c->p->y * c->p->y <= c->r * c->r;

def test::render(w, h, d : @test::drawing_t) {
	rep var y (h) {
		rep var x (w) {
			var color = '.';
			fora var elem (d) {
				if (inside_shape({x => x, y => y}, elem->shape)) {
					color = elem->color;

def translate_point(ref p, vec) {
	p->x += vec->x;
	p->y += vec->y;

def translate_shape(ref s, vec) {
	match (s) case :rect(var r) {
		translate_point(ref r->p1, vec);
		translate_point(ref r->p2, vec);
		s = :rect(r);
	} case :circle(var c) {
		translate_point(ref c->p, vec);
		s = :circle(c);

def translate_drawing(ref d, vec) {
	rep var i (array::len(d)) {
		translate_shape(ref d[i]->shape, vec);

def test::main() {
	var drawing = test::drawing();
	test::render(10, 10, drawing);
	translate_drawing(ref drawing, {x => 1, y => 2});
	test::render(10, 10, drawing);